Target Audience: |
Engineers, Architects, & Simulationists
Date and Time: |
June 12th, 2024 – Noon to 1:00 p.m. MT
Location: |
Idaho Water Center - Room #156322 E. Front Street Boise, ID 83702
Parking: |
Parking is available underneath the building or in the adjacent parking garage.The first hour of parking is free, each subsequent hour is $1.00.
Registration: |
To Register for In-person Attendance* Click Here;WEBINAR Presentation Click Here
To increase life cycle energy-efficiency of buildings, both operational and embodied energy need to be addressed. Embodied energy presents a huge opportunity for energy and carbon reduction in buildings, making it a crucial focus area for impactful interventions in increasing building lifecycle energy efficiency. During this talk, Vaclav Hasik, Program Director at Building Transparency, will share more about the solutions that provide the data and insights necessary to enable the level of action needed to reduce embodied energy and carbon of buildings. Providing an overview of the Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator and tallyCAT, Hasik will arm attendees with the insights needed to leverage these tools.
Vaclav Hasik