Target Audience: |
Engineers, Architects, & Simulationists
Date and Time: |
May 1st, 2024 – Noon to 1:00 p.m. MT
Location: |
Idaho Water Center - Room #150322 E. Front Street Boise, ID 83702
Parking: |
Parking is available underneath the building or in the adjacent parking garage.The first hour of parking is free, each subsequent hour is $1.00.
Registration: |
To Register for In-person Attendance* Click Here;WEBINAR Presentation Click Here
Current building energy modeling tools offer unprecedented opportunities for developing custom workflows and integrations with general-purpose programming languages. However, these tools can be intimidating to modelers without extensive programming experience. This talk will explore one modeler's experience integrating programming into building energy modeling practice, and demystifying the open-source tools and resources to get started expanding your modeling capabilities.
Eric Ringold