Request a Lunch and Learn

Each year the IDL develops a series of lunch and learn topics for presentation to professional Architecture & Engineering firms. The topics reflect best practices in energy efficiency design and are provided over a lunch hour – we provide lunch. Attendees receive 1 AIA CEU as well as a certificate to verify attendance. The classes marked with (HSW) qualify for Health, Safety and Welfare credit. For a complete list of topics offered for lunch and learn please visit -
Your firm must be located in Idaho Power Territory
This 30 minute session will be an overview of Idaho Power’s Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Programs. It can offered before a Lunch and Learn or separately. Idaho Power offers incentives for businesses of all sizes for energy-efficient equipment and strategies in new or existing facilities. Aside from incentives offered to businesses, customers can take advantage of training opportunities, energy assessments, and cohort programs to improve energy use in their facility.
How many lunch and learn lectures would you like?
Please select a session topic; we ask that you choose 3 to 5 topics to ensure speaker availability for scheduling purposes regardless of how many lectures you are requesting.
Please select which months you would like to schedule your lectures. Lectures can be schedule throughout the year in advanced so don't worry about picking dates in the second half of the year. New topics (labeled as 'Coming Soon') are not available until May. An IDL employee will contact you to offer specific dates and confirm your topic.
Is there a day of the week you would prefer for us to present on?
Do you have a specific date already in mind? Please let us know.